So, now that you have had the pleasure of viewing what the post box saw today, take a peek at the my letter box saw today (apart from me squealing like a child for several minutes)
Seriously, this lady is amazing, this snail is freaking AWESOME!
As if that wasn't enough I found all these treats inside!! This was my treat and a sweet swap, I got a note card set, a note pad, several pieces of lovely paper, an adorable mini clip board (perfect for writing my A5 letters on) a pencil AND sweets. I was well and truly spoiled and I hope her partner was as kind!
I also received my letter set and sticker sheet swap today. I got all these lovely papers you see here, that CUTE sticker sheet and at the very far end of the pic you can see something navy blue with a hippo sticker on, which is a little folder to keep letters in. I'm going to use it to store my bits to be sent and letters to reply to (before they get stored away in a special pretty box (: )
I received this lovely postie from the US for the quotecard postie swap the quote is as follows:
"An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity" - Martin Luther King Jr.
Food for thought indeed :)
I got this card from the States as part of the 'Huh?' postie swap.
Seriously... I don't get it.
This awesome postcrossing card came from Japan, the lady told me a little about her cat called Sora which means sky in English. It's a pretty name don't you think?. That cat is freaking awesome, I love it :D
This was by far my favourite postie of the day though. I laughed aloud for a good couple of minutes when I saw it. In fact I'm acutally chuckling now while typing. heh. I need to find a great place to stick this up in my room so I see it when I wake up and therefore wake up with laughter. I love it!!
And last but not least I have this amazing card from my beloved. It was filled with typically 'him' prose and he drew a magazine cover inspired by a 'Nuclear war skills and survival guide' he was reading. It's freaking* hilarious and I love it.
And him.
Even typing out this post has gotten me all excited again about my amazing mail day. To have received just any one of these great things would have been fantastic, but to get all of them in one day? I'm a very lucky girl and I no longer mind that it's a bank holiday weekend, because I have this amazingness to see me through :D
A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to
my amazing mail day, week, month and thank you
in advance to all those who will contrubute further.
I ♥ you all
my amazing mail day, week, month and thank you
in advance to all those who will contrubute further.
I ♥ you all
* Yes, I do realise I've said 'freaking' several times in this post, in real life I would use the eff word when I get over excited (I swear like a sailor) but I don't want to offend, plus I'm tired so my vocabulary seems to have waned. Forgive me dear readers xx