So, I have a dirty, wet bike ride to look forward to, being splashed by cars and trucks alike, then after getting home, showering and drying off I have to go to Milan and spend time walking and waiting around in the rain. Such a pain!
Anyway, onto better and brighter things. I've had some lovely post days recently, but due to my terrible habit of letting my camera batteries die down to nothing, I haven't gotten round to showing you all. Here goes :)
Artsy postcard swap, received on Saturday
A first and suprise letter from Kendra, received on Monday
Another first and suprise letter from Elle, received on Tuesday (ie yesterday)
I've spent an age replying to everyone and setting up swap packages, so tomorrow will be my posting day. I hope you're looking forward to seeing all the pretties (and hope I can pull my finger out and share the pics with you on time ;) Tagged you there :)!