I want you to just have a quick look at this...

Like the numpty I am, I only thought to check the price for overseas post AFTER I posted those 6 letters yesterday.
To my absolute HORROR, the prices have inevitably gone up. Not just by a little, but have almost DOUBLED! Previously, to send to zone 2 (USA and most of Asia) it cost a mere 85c, now it's 1,60! And to Australia, it HAS doubled, from 1Euro to 2Euros.
Not only will this have a huge impact on my bank balance, but I am extremely worried about those letters I have just posted.
I know not all of my penpals read this blog, but if you do, and your letter is in the post below, please,
please forgive me if you have to pay a postal charge at your end!
I am hoping they'll just send the letters back to me and I can repost them with correct postage, but that's wishful thinking I'm sure.
My deepest and most sincere apologies... xx