Sunday, 25 July 2010

Thank You (& stamps)

Firstly I wanted to say thank you for all the wonderful quotes you've all shared with me. I'm having a wonderful time reading them and think I may even dare to stain the pages of a new notebook to keep them all in... maybe. I'm getting quite excited about picking a winner ;)

On Friday I mentioned getting some stamps. Lovely, real, Italian stamps. I was so excited about this I decdied to photograph the pretties.

I know it may seem strange, but in this post office, they tend to use the printed stickers instead of stamps, but even when they do use stamps, I never get to tsee them because the staff stamp the letters and put them into a collection box for when the Pote Italiane van comes round to collect all the mail. So this is the first time I've gotten to see the stamps up close. I was delighted.

I sat on my doorstep and enjoyed every second of placing the stamps onto each letter. They definitely add the final touch to each envelope.

Now I just need to get off my bum and post them ;)

ps, next time I'm going to order them online. It caused WAY too much hassle and distressed looks from the post office staff and other customers in the queue to bother going through that again. Totally worth it for now, but I'm going to keep a low profile in the future ;)


  1. They are lovely surely. Any stamps is perfect nowadays. A lot of people for lack of time or laziness still add those white pieces of paper, like adhesive. Some post-offices are too lazy to give us stamps so... but I do love real stamps, like in the past.

  2. Ohh :) i love the one with the fox :)! Really, really, really cute.

    I am ordering all my stamps online as well because of the motives they have there and most of the time not in our post office...

  3. Joana, I agree. Stamps really finish a letter. I hate to use those stickers. Stamps are too pretty to not be used!

    Fabi, my only worry about ordering online is them getting lost or delayed... but I'll have to trust in the Poste Italiane!!
